Hospice is not just a place. It is a compassionate way of caring for those with a life-limiting illness whether provided in the home, our care center, hospital, assisted living or long-term care facility. Hospice of Texarkana/Hospice of Hope is here to provide extraordinary care, compassion and commitment to every patient and family we serve. We serve patients living in Texas and Arkansas within a 50 mile range from Texarkana who live within our area of service.
“They were so caring – the nurses, the doctors. They treat you like you are the only person in the world.
Because of the care center, our two-year-old could spend time with me in the playroom if Dad needed rest,
and I was still right down the hall if I needed to visit with the doctor.” -Stacye Magness
As a patient and their family journey toward the end-of-life, they face many difficult needs and decisions. Every facet of their lives is affected: Physically, emotionally and spiritually. Hospice is truly holistic care and we address all of these areas of distress.
Myths VS. Facts
Patients must choose the hospice recommended to them by their hospital, nurse or physician.
Patients have the right to choose whichever hospice they prefer.
Hospice of Texarkana Care Center is a nursing home and patients are meant to stay indefinitely.
Our Care Center is designed much like an Intensive Care Unit - to provide symptom management so patients may return to their home setting.
A patient from any hospice may be admitted to the Hospice of Texarkana Care Center for symptom management.
A patient must be on-service with Hospice of Texarkana to have access to the Center. If you are interested in our care options, please call
903-794-4263 any time of day or night.
Hospice patients have to go to the pharmacy and purchase the medicines they need.
Hospice of Texarkana will pay for virtually all medicines for comfort care and deliver them directly to the patient.

Hospice of Texarkana / Hospice of Hope provides a team of professionals whose primary goal is to preserve the quality of life for the patient while offering assistance and consolation to their loved ones. This means keeping the patient alert, comfortable, and pain-free during the progression of the illness, in the manner and place of his/her choice. Many patients with a limited life expectancy prefer to spend the remainder of their lives being cared for by their loved ones in the familiar surroundings of their homes.
Hospice of Texarkana believes in the innate value of human life, in the potential for self-growth during and after times of crisis, and in the right of the patient to live and die in their own way, with dignity.
• Patients of any age may be referred to Hospice of Texarkana/Hospice of Hope. A patient must have been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness.
• A family member or other responsible party must be capable and willing to work with the hospice team in giving and directing home care.
• Referrals to Hospice of Texarkana/Hospice of Hope come from many sources: Family members, friends, nurses, social workers, clergy or others. The patient’s primary physician will be contacted to approve the applicant for hospice care.
To learn if Hospice of Texarkana/Hospice of Hope can help your loved one, call 903–794–4263 and ask for an Admissions Nurse.